Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Wild Turkeys Stripping Seeds/Flowers from Grass, 7/5/17, Eames Brook - Framingham

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Four Killdeer Chicks, 7/5/17, Framingham

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Eastern Cottontail, 7/5/17, Aqueduct Trail

Frog, 7/5/17, Eames Brook - Framingham

Song Sparow, 7/5/17, Farm Pond - Framingham

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Wood Ducks, 7/5/17, Farm Pond - Framingham

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Blue Dasher Dragonfly, 7/5/17, Eames Brook - Framingham

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White-tailed Deer, 7/5/17, Aqueduct Trail - Framingham

Monday, June 19, 2017

Juvenile Great Blue Herons, 6/19/17, Lyons-Cutler Reservation - Sudbury

A heron is leaving its perch just in time to avoid a collision with a heron coming in behind it.

Click on the image for a larger view. Notice the fish just above the rim of the nest, the "expression" on the face of the adult, and the total chaos of feathers and wings of the juveniles.

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The video starts with a few highlights and then shows an adult great blue heron flying and landing near a nest. Soon after, a second adult decides to land at the same perch evicting the first heron. The second heron moves over to the nest where the juveniles grab its bill in theirs and pull its head down to get their meal. Then they fight among themselves for the food. One juvenile seems to swallow a surprisingly large fish, tail first (watch near the rim of the nest as they scuffle), but it comes back out a moment later. A sibling tries to take it, but the first juvenile gets its bill inside the other's causing the fish to drop and then takes it back swallowing it successfully, head first.

Part II shows the antics of chicks at another nest. The audio is on and you the chicks are audible. At the end, the adult in the video drops down to a branch below the nest before flying off.

Part III shows the uncut footage of the chicks in Part I.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Wild Turkey Chicks, 6/16/17, Aqueduct Trail - Framingham

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Killdeer and Chick, 6/16/17, Framingham

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Coyote, 6/16/17, Aqueduct Trail - Framingham

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Eastern Bluebird, 6/16/17, Eames Brook - Framingham

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Red-winged Blackbird, 6/16/17, Farm Pond - Framingham

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Bumble Bee, 6/16/17, Eames Brook - Framingham

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Eastern Cottontail, 6/16/17, Aqueduct Trail - Framingham

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Flowers, 6/16/17, Cushing Memorial Park - Framingham

Mallard Ducklings, 6/16/17, Farm Pond - Framingham

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